Pokémon Horizons: The Series is the twenty-sixth season of Pokémon the Series and the first season of Pokémon Horizons: The Series. It follows the adventures of Liko and Roy, who bear mysterious items. Liko and Roy travel the world with the Rising Volt Tacklers to discover the secrets of their items while learning about Pokémon and themselves.
Note: Fresh Encodes with YT Audios
Episodes List:
Episode 1-5 : [1080p] - [720p] - [480p]
Episode 6-10 : [1080p] - [720p] - [480p]
Episode 11-15 : [1080p] - [720p] - [480p]
Episode 16-20 : [1080p] - [720p] - [480p]
Episode 21-25 : [1080p] - [720p] - [480p]